Volunteer Appreciation Party

Come celebrate the many behind-the-scenes volunteers who make Tilton Library the community jewel that it is.  Along with the people who serve on the Tilton Library Board of Trustees, the Friends of Tilton Library and the new Tilton Library Space Needs Assessment Ad Hoc Committee, other generous people shelve books, help with Monday Night Music, deliver books to homebound patrons, fix broken desks, lamps, signs and more, weed the garden, help set up programs, recycle magazines and repair books.  Each year we salute these fine folks with a party, complete with free food and an old fashioned Yankee Swap.  All are welcome to this free event.  Come meet the volunteers and learn about volunteer opportunities at Tilton.  Please sign up at the adult desk for this fun event.

Summer Kickoff – Sign Ups and Smoothies

Stay in the Game is our Summer Reading Program theme this year: ALL AGES READING CHALLENGE- join teams reading 200, 400 and 600 minutes to win reward(s). PARENT CHALLENGE- Bring your child to Tilton Library five times this summer  (June 16-September 2) and earn a free night of babysitting (at the library between 6 and 9 on Friday September 9 or Friday September 16) HALL OF FAME 2016- Write a book review, write a movie review, play two games at Tilton, attend five Tilton programs, borrow 30 library items to qualify!    

100th Birthday Open House and Re-dedication

The 100th Anniversary Committee of the Tilton Library Board of Trustees requests the pleasure of your company at the 100th Birthday open house and rededication ceremony of Deerfield's public library on Saturday, November 5, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m.  Tilton Library, 75 North Main Street, South Deerfield Village.  RSVP 413-665-4683

Jack Frost Party

Drop in Saturday afternoon to color in a lunar calendar, make a hot chocolate snowman buddy, paint crystal snowflakes and make an apple and bean garland for our animal friends. We'll also have snacks and a special visit from Mother Nature! Free and open to all. No sign up needed.

CANCELLED – Big Destiny Live Show

UPDATE 7/7: Tilton Library in Deerfield is sad to report that tonight's Big Destiny teen band concert has been cancelled due to illness. We will reschedule sometime later this summer. We wish the band members quick healing!