Knit & Crafts Circle

Tilton Library 71 North Main Street, South Deerfield

Hosted by Sheep & Shawl (Liz Sorenson) at Tilton Library  Bring crafts of your choosing – knitting, crochet, spinning, rug-hooking, mending, any portable craft. Free. The indoor crafts circle requires registration as seats are limited. (But up to 12 are allowed as we will meet upstairs this year!) Masks are strongly recommended. Email to learn more & get on the registration list or waiting list (updates weekly if seats become available when someone knows they will be away).

Story Time with Holly

Tilton Library 71 North Main Street, South Deerfield

All ages and abilities welcome! Drop in for a relaxed story hour, listen to books, play, make a seasonal craft, and chat with other grown ups! Masks encouraged